Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Platinum 25th Anniversary Edition 英文正式版(英文打字學習工具軟體)
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Platinum 是最全面的輸入指令系統,包括更新的學習工具,
無論你是想學習基本的鍵盤輸入技能或提高整體的打字效率,Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
Platinum 會引導你,你的打字學習道路上一步一步走向成功!詳細的評估,定制的功能,提
高經驗和技能 ,學習提高速度和準確性。
Now with even more features and an enhanced user interface, Mavis
Beacon Teaches Typing Platinum - 25th Anniversary Edition offers an
unbeatable learning experience. Enjoy a unique and comprehensive
program that will help you become a better typist in just 2 weeks -
Increase speed and accuracy through detailed assessments, customized
lessons and skill-building games. Whether you want to build core
keyboard skills or improve overall typing efficiency, Mavis Beacon
Teaches Typing is the ideal resource for you!
* 430 Personalized lessons, exercises and tests
* 16 Arcade-style games, including multi-level games
* Detailed tracking and progress reporting
* Choose from new music options or import your own MP3
files and type to your own tunes
* New Certificates of Completion
* Hybrid - Works with Windows and Mac OS X
Sumit Software Typing Assistant v2.2 英文正式版(打字協助軟體)
Professor PC Typing Tutor v1.52 英文正式版(打字訓練軟體)
Typing Assistant v5.4 英文正式版(提高你英文打字的速度軟體)
Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor v4.3.1 英文正式版(自定打字程式軟體)
Typing tutorial XP v5.2.7 英文正式版(盲打訓練軟體)
Typing Speedometer Software v7.0 英文正式版(打字速度計軟體)
Rapid Typing Tutor v4.3 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(讓打字速度一飛沖天的打字練習軟體)