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臺灣全民學習平台 Open Mind!跨域新媒介與創意公關(全球僑胞數位學習自學課程) 講師:陳世晉、陳奕璇 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)

臺灣全民學習平台 Open Mind!跨域新媒介與創意公關(全球僑胞數位學習自學課程) 講師:陳世晉、陳奕璇 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)

臺灣全民學習平台 Open Mind!跨域新媒介與創意公關(全球僑胞數位學習自學課程) 講師:陳世晉、陳奕璇 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)

?「Open Mind ! 跨域新媒介與創意公關」 公關活動,一直以來都是企業與各單位最重要的「化妝」活動,如何能夠在短短的30秒內,讓受眾能夠快速被吸引,並且傳播至各類媒體上,是最重要的工作。
本課程從當前公關活動面臨的新媒介、跨域整合與新媒體觀點,進行各種實務的說明,其理念首要將複雜多元的公關環境,以簡單的方式解構,並透過實務案例與專家訪談,讓學習者能夠有基礎認識,並藉此打開學習者的新想法與新概念!?語言:中文 字幕:繁體中文 簡體中文 英文 泰文
?"Open Mind! " “?” 30 : : "Open Mind! Cross-Boundary New Media and Creative Public Relations" Summary PR events have always been the most vital “cosmetic” activity for corporations and different organizations. The potential of rapidly attracting the attention of the targeted audience within merely 30 seconds when broadcasted through different media is of critical importance. And as such, given the increasingly competitive market environment, being able to break through various difficulties with creativity so that targeted audiences can cultivate new awareness and recognition for proprietors is a challenge that all marketers and PR businesses face on a daily basis. With the philosophy of deconstructing the sophisticated and diverse PR environment in a simple way, this course offers extensive descriptions on topics such as new media that is available to current PR events, horizontal integration and new media perspectives from a practical standpoint. Through case studies and expert interviews, students are able to develop fundamental understanding in this area and in turn acquire new ways of thinking and concepts. Language: Chinese Video Subtitles: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English, Thai.

?1. 2. 3. 4. Course Object1. Understand the difference between traditional and new media2. Understand the necessity of cross-disciplinary integrated events3. Know how to make use of diverse media for cross-disciplinary integration and development of creative PR events4. Application of knowledge and competence learned to practical applications

陳世晉 老師國立空中大學商學系兼任助理教授聖約翰科技大學時尚經營管理系助理教授兼系主任學歷:中國文化大學國際企業管理研究所博士專業領域:時尚產業商品調查、時尚商品開發、市場規劃與經營業界經歷:中華會展貿易促進會副理事長超秦企業集團總經理特助?: (St. John’s University) : (Chinese Culture University) : : Course Teacher IntrocuctionChen Shih-Chin Ph.D.Assistant Professor, Department of Business, National Open UniversityAssistant Professor and Chairperson of Fashion Administration Management, St. John’s UniversityEducational Background: PhD in International Business Administration, Chinese Culture UniversityProfessional Field: Surveys of fashion industrial commodities, development of fashion products, market planning and managementField Experiences:Vice President, ASEAN-China Economy and Trade Promotion AssociationSpecial Assistant to the General Manager of Super Qin Group陳奕璇 老師聖約翰科技大學 數位文藝系副教授兼系主任?: (St. John’s University)Chen Yi-Hsuan Ph.D.Associate Professor and Chairperson, Digital Literature and Arts, St. John’s University 課程內容:
01_R.I.P_傳統溝通媒介 R.I.P_____________________________ R.I.P_Traditional Communication Media 01月 1日 - 01月 7日
003_1-2曾經的日不落公關霸主 The Past PR Champions.mp4
005_1-4千篇一律的表達模式 One Fits All Expression Mode .mp4
007_1-6滑世代的衝擊 Impact of the Smart Phone Generation .mp4

02_原始需求與渴望不滅  Original Demands and Desires are Eternal 01月 8日 - 01月 14日
008_2-0公關活動面對的挑戰 PR Challenges .mp4
009_2-1口碑影響力遠大於廣告曝光率 Greater Influence of Word of Mouth than Advertising Exposure .mp4
010_2-2口碑一時有,形象永流傳Word of Mouth for an Everlasting Image .mp4
011_2-3招式是技法,創新是意境 Gimmicks and Creativity .mp4
012_2-4 30秒注意力的挑戰 30 30-second Eye Catching Challenge.mp4
013_2-5探求群眾的渴望 Exploration of Consumer Group Desires .mp4
014_2-6每個人都有專屬自己的一條歌 1 Each of us Has Our Own Song .mp4

03_召喚跨域新視力  Call for Cross-disciplinary New Media 01月 15日 - 01月 21日
015_3-0 新概念!跨域整合!! ! New Concept! Cross-disciplinary Integration! .mp4
016_3-1 你喜歡魚翅湯還是貢丸湯? Would you Prefer Fish Fin Soup or Meat Ball Soup .mp4
017_3-2 幹嘛要把傳統與現代結合? Why do We Need to Combine the Traditional and the Modern.mp4
018_3-3 點石成金,涅槃重生 Midas Touch and Nirvana Rebirth .mp4
019_3-4 古典樂與搖滾樂 Classical Music vs Rock and Roll .mp4
020_3-5 拆開老骨頭,換上新包裝 Old Wine with a New Bottle .mp4
021_3-6 比30秒還多了另外30秒 30 30 Additional 30 Seconds .mp4

04_重啟媒體新力量  Re-ignite the Power of New Media 01月 22日 - 01月 28日
022_4-0 新媒體新力量 New Media Power .mp4
023_4-1 什麼?原來這就是新媒體 What This is New Media .mp4
024_4-2 速度、擴散與互動Speed, Diffusion, and Interaction .mp4
025_4-3 科技進步打破了傳統廣告的謊言 Nail a Lie of Traditional Advertising with Technological Advancement .mp4
026_4-4 受眾也是內容創造者 The Audience are Also Content Creators .mp4
027_4-5 跨域媒介需要新媒體的灌溉 Cross-Disciplinary Media Needs New Media.mp4
028_4-6 跨域媒介與對外關係的血脈重生 Rebirth of Cross-Disciplinary Media and External Relations.mp4

05_活化 創意公關心動力   ActivationCreative PR Power of Caring 01月 29日 - 02月 4日
029_5-0創意公關心動力 Creative PR’s Power of Caring.mp4
030_5-1 對業者,你需要「全面啟動」 “” For Businesses, You Need to “Activate” .mp4
031_5-2 對受眾,你需要「關鍵報告」 “” For the Audience, you Need the “Minority Report”.mp4
032_5-3 以跨域媒介創造視覺衝擊 Create Visual Impacts with Cross-Disciplinary Media .mp4
033_5-4 記憶點的錘鍊 Recall of Memories .mp4
034_5-5 是歡呼還是流淚感動在哪裡 Shall We Laugh or Cry What Touches us .mp4
035_5-6 是就地解散還是爭相傳頌 Disband or Inherit .mp4

06_再生 創意公關行動力   RebirthCreative PR Power of Action 02月 5日 - 02月 11日
036_6-0 行動力成就不凡的公關 Extraordinary Achievements of PR with the Power of Action.mp4
037_6-1 夢想沒有執行,就是吹牛 Dreaming Without Implementation is Just Boasting.mp4
038_6-2 公關就像從戀愛到結婚 PR, the Process from Falling in Love to Getting Married .mp4
039_6-3 像口香糖一樣的傳統媒體 Traditional Media like Chewing Gum .mp4
040_6-4 像QQ糖一樣的新媒體 New Media like Gummy Candies .mp4
041_6-5 日益重要的自媒體 Self-media Gaining More Importance .mp4
042_6-6 為下一個創意作準備 Get Ready for the Next Creation.mp4
  • 臺灣全民學習平台 法式凝膠美甲設計 講師:盧羿涵 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)
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  • 購物清單