FastStone Capture v6.1 英文正式版(截圖軟體)
Name: Team iDK
FastStone Capture是一款強大的截圖軟體。它可以隨意截取包括窗口,自由區域,滾動頁面
等任何螢幕上的區域。它還附帶了浮動工具欄,熱鍵截取,縮放, 添加文字等其它特性。
FastStone Capture is a powerful, lightweight, yet
full-featured screen capture tool that allows you
to easily capture and annotate anything on the screen
including windows, objects, menus, full screen,
rectangular/freehand regions and even scrolling
windows/web pages. You can choose to send captures
to editor, file, clipboard, printer, email, Word/PowerPoint
document or upload them to your website. Editing tools
include annotating (texts, arrowed lines, highlights),
resizing, cropping, sharpening, watermarking, applying
edge effects and many more. Other features include global
hotkeys, automatic filename generation, support for
external editors, a color picker, a screen magnifier
and a screen ruler.
FastStone Capture saves files in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG,
TGA, TIFF and PDF formats.
RonyaSoft ProPoster v2.02.06 繁體中文正式版(海報製作軟體)
FastStone Capture v7.2 英文正式版(圖像瀏覽、編輯和抓屏軟體)
FastStone Capture v5.6 英文正式版(截圖軟體)
FastStone Capture v6.5.0.0 英文正式版(截圖軟體)
FastStone Capture v7.3 英文正式版(截圖軟體)
FastStone Capture v7.4 Final 繁體中文正式版(功能相當完整的螢幕擷取抓圖軟體)
FastStone Capture v8.3 WinAll Portable 英文正式版(圖像流覽、編輯和截屏工具軟體)